Guide: Work and Safety Shoes -
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Guide: Work and Safety Shoes.

We stand and walk a lot during the days without really thinking about how important our feet are. One foot consists of 26 legs, 57 joints and 108 ligaments and a large number of different muscles, all of which will help to support and stabilize the body. If you take care of your feet and think through what shoes you choose to wear, you can come a long way. At Tingstad you will find the shoes for your particular industry. Everything to make your work day easier.

Tips when choosing work shoes

We spend many hours at our workplaces and regardless of whether you have a job where you stand and walk a lot, or a profession that requires your feet to be protected, the choice of the right shoe is important. We have listed some tips that may be useful along the way.

  • Size matters: Too small a size of your work shoe can cause problems such as blisters and corns, among other things. If the shoe is too big, it is not only easier to trip and fall, it can also make the foot slide around the shoe and you get blisters from the sliding.
  • Ventilation: Your feet feel good when they are able to breathe. If your work environment allows you to wear sandals or slippers, this is something that can make your feet happy.
  • Ventilate or change: Some sweat less, others sweat more. It may be good to make a habit of ventilating the soles between the work pass or switching between different shoes.
  • Socks: Compression socks are good for keeping good blood circulation in the feet and legs. The also reduce the risk of swelling.
  • Extra support: If you have problems with your feet, you may need to support and facilitate with pads, arch support, insoles, or soles specially made to absorb ample foot sweat.


Safety shoes are used to protect the user against hazards and the risk that may arise when woriking in different enviroments. Different types of safety shoes have different protective properties and they must be clearly labeled so that it is easy to understand what risks the shoe protects the user against.

There are three categories of safety shoes that are based on the protective properties of the shoes. They are:

  • Safety footwear for professional use (EN 345) = A sturdy safety shoe that has a protective toe cap that can withstand pressure up to 200 J. This type of safety shoe are available in several different classes. If they meet the basic requirements (toe cap and slip resistant), they are marked with SB. If they also protect against other types of risks, they are marked with S1 - S5, depending on the risks they protect against.

Below you will see a table where we present what the different protection classes have for properties.

  • Protective footwear for professional use (EN 346) = Work shoes with a protective toe cap that has been tested to withstand a load of 100 J. If they meet the basic requirements, protective shoes are marked with PB. If they also protect against other risks, it is marked with P1 - P5 depending on the risks they protect against.
  • Occupational footwear for professional use (EN 347) = Occupational footwear for professional use do not have a protective toe cap, but still provide protection against various types of risks. This type of shoe is marked with O if they meet the basic requirements. If they also protect against other risks, it is marked with O1 - O5 depending on the risks they protect against.





S1P S2 S3 S4 S5

    Toe cap (200J / 15000N)


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    Closed heel area



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    Antistatic properties (0,1 - 1000MΩ) A


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    Energy absorption in the heel area (20J) E


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    Water-Resistance - WRU


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    Profiled outer sole




    Puncture resistant sole (1100N) P

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    Completely in rubber / PU

          punkt-turkos.png punkt-turkos.png


mäta fötter för arbetsskor



How you insert your feet can affect the rest of your body. If you strain the foot obliquely, you may get  problems with your knees and back. What a footstep looks like is often referred to as pronation, supination or neutral. Stay tuned as we work out the concepts.

  • Pronation = Most of us pronate, i.e. Insert the foot with the outside of the heel and then "roll" forward diagonally across the foot giving an inward angulation of the foot. This can incorrectly strain the knees and back and in the long run cause problems. An insole then works stabilizing for the foot.
  • Supination = Supination is far more unusual than pronation. During supination, the foot falls outwards as it "rolls" along the outside of the foot when inserted and pushed off.
  • Neutral step = A foot that is set straight without falling outwards or inwards.


Work shoes for your industry

Shoes for restaurant workers.

In the different professional roles in a restaurant you work with alot walking and standing up. Then shoes are needed that support, and can withstand both dry and slippery or even oily floors. We have shoes that fit both chefs and service staff. With good shoes, the job gets done easier.

See products

Shoes for grocery store workers.

Good and foot-proof shoes with supporting and protective properties are required for anyone working in the grocery trade. Make your work day better by using shoes that are made for the job.

See products

Shoes for care workers.

In health care, it is important to have something nice on your feet. With us you will find slippers that provide support where needed and at the same time give an airy feel to your feet, so you can focus on providing the best possible care.

See products

Shoes for craftsmen.

In the craft industry, protection is crucial. The feet are of course no exception. They need to be protected from heavy and sharp objects both from above and from below. In addition, they should be nice to work in. We have a large selection of comfortable shoes that give your feet the right protection and support.

See products

Shoes for retail workers.

Working in retail business often involves a lot of standing and walking. In order to do a good job and provide good service, it is important to be happy with what you wear from top to toe. For toes and feet we have among other things nice and comfortable sneakers that are perfect for delivering on the shop floor.

See products

Forfatter: Tingstad

Senest opdateret: 2023-12-08

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