Tingstad Butikk Göteborg.
Velkommen til vores butik på Marieholmsgatan. I vores firmabutik kan du som virksomhedsejer handle i en behagelig atmosfære for de varer, du og din virksomhed har brug for. Ud over virksomhedens essentials som kontorartikler og forbrugsvarer har vi også et omfattende udvalg af gaveartikler, slik og indretningsdetaljer. I vores firmabutik har vi omhyggeligt kombineret behovet for storkøb med behagelig shopping. Velkommen!
Vi tilbyder

Carefully selected home decoration.
With us, you will find a carefully selected home & interior design department with beautiful textiles and trendy interior details from well-known brands. Choose between rugs, vases, bowls, candlesticks, scented candles etc.

Print on workwear.
In our store, we help you as a customer to produce prints with a logo for your clothes. The minimum print edition is 50 pcs (100 pcs, 150 pcs, 200 pcs, etc.) and the process takes different lengths of time depending on the assignment. If you only want a few prints with text, it can be solved on site in the store. To make the process as smooth as possible, contact us directly in the store or email support.klader@tingstad.se and we will provide a suggestion for delivery time and price information.