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Flere gange om året opstår der brande i både virksomheder og private hjem. Flere af brandene kunne havde været slukket på stedet, hvis det rigtige brandslukningsudstyr havde været til stede. I vores sortiment har vi brandtæpper, brandstiger, røgalarmer og ildslukkere, der opfylder kravene til at slukke de mest hyppige brande. Se vores sortiment af brandbeskyttelsesartikler og vær forberedt i tilfælde af brand.

Product guide: Fire safety

If the accident occurs, it is important to have the right fire protection equipment. But what is the right fire protection equipment?

Here you will get information about different types of fire extinguishers and what types of fires the products are effective against. We will also give you tips on how to think about the color on your fire extinguisher and what types of fire detectors are available.


The three most common types of fire extinguishers available on the market are powder, foam and carbon dioxide extinguisher. The three have different properties and should be used for different types of fires.


By spraying powder on the fire, the fire will use the heat energy to break down the powder. What happens to the powder then is that it evaporates and escapes the oxygen in the fire.

Powder extinguishers cover most types of fires. They have the highest extinguishing power and are recommended for home use. Extinguishes ABC fires.


By spraying carbon dioxide on the fire, the oxygen is squeezed out and the fire is smothered.

Carbon dioxide extinguishers are well suited for fires in electrical equipment. Extinguishes B fires.


By spraying foam on the fire, oxygen supply is prevented and the fire suffocates. The foam also settles as a layer over the combustion gas, which prevents the gas from penetrating.

Foam extinguishers are mainly used in industry and office operations. Very effective in liquid fires. Extinguishes AB fires.

In our range of fire extinguishers we mainly have powder extinguishers and carbon dioxide extinguishers, but also foam extinguishers for extinguishing small fires.




Fires can spread very quickly and the most important part of a fire is to quickly detect where and how it burns and act accordingly.

Fire alarms are today commonplace in most homes and workplaces, but not everyone knows that there are different types of fire alarms. Below you have the four most common types of fire alarms:


The most common type of smoke detector is the one that warns of glowing / burning fires. This category of smoke detectors warns when it detects the smoke smoke particles. Fire and smoke detectors can be used in homes, holiday homes, office environments etc.


Temperature warning warns when the temperature goes above 58 ° C. Temperature alarms are advantageously placed in spaces where ordinary fire alarms can produce false alarms. Examples of such spaces are damp, cold or dusty spaces such as winds, storage, basement, garage etc. Temperature alarms can be used as a complement to traditional fire alarms.


Carbon monoxide alarms warn of toxic gas without color, odor or taste that is formed during a fire. Carbon monoxide detectors can be used as a supplement to traditional fire and smoke detectors, but never replace them.


Gas detectors warn of leakage of various combustible gases such as LPG, propane, butane, natural gas, etc. Gas detectors are placed in environments where gas leaks can occur, for example. kitchens, caravans, boats etc.

In addition to the abovementioned fire alarms, you will also find water warning devices in our range. Water alarms warn of water leakage from eg. dishwashers, washing machines and other wet rooms. A practical complement that can help protect your home and office.

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